
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Printing heaven

OK I know this blog comes only a day after the last but I HAVE to share this with you.  I have seen the light!  Have you ever taken a great image and then printed it up and it looks awful compared to the punchy bright image you saw on your screen?  A few things I have learned.

1.  Find a printer that is good - ask around.

I went in for a visit to the printer and got a little tour around.  Some big machines that looked impressive but more impressive was the quality of the prints that actually came out of the machine.  It is very obvious with prints you get what you pay for.  Actually I learned this lesson when my sister put some of my pics up on canvas and it was a VERY cheap deal like $25 a canvas.  When they came out the colours were all different/blurry and I wasn't happy with the results.  Fine for something you got from a junk shop but not what I want to represent in my images.

I had a look at the canvas quality at the "real" printers and that was what stood out the most for me - I could not believe the detail, clarity and colours.  There were also other premium options available like watercolour paper etc which I love the look of.

Actually my printer (yes I'm converted now) was full of really good information and I am so glad
I went in to see him in person.  I was in there for about 45 minutes asking questions.

2.  Take home some test prints 

Check skin tones/colours/whites/blacks against your monitor and adjust your monitor brightness/colour settings to the same.  Most monitors are way too bright.  I have a Mac and it was still a bit too bright.  You may find you need some software but my mac was fairly close to print.

3.  Stick with the printer once you find a good one

Stick with the same printer and you will get consistency, this is actually not my advice but advice I am passing on.    It makes sense to me then you will know what sort of results you will get every time.  Different machines give slightly different results too.