
Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Pony called Prada...

It looks like we will be saying farewell to Sydney today as we make our way south towards Melbourne so I thought I would put up one last Sydney blog before we hit the road again.  Yesterday we had an interesting day surrounded by horses at a horse show, the kids loved it and we got to meet the cutest pony foal "Prada".  The family were getting ready for their first Pony Showing.

My Kids "Helping" to get Prada ready for showing

Pony cuddles...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Street Photography…?

I seem to have covered a few k's since the last blog & now find myself in Sydney.  Blogging while on the road can be challenging especially when at unpowered sites & free camps!

I decided to try my hand at street photography as the busy streets of Sydney seemed perfect.  I think a smaller camera would have been a better idea as I ended up mostly getting pics of people looking stunned that I may have just taken their pic.  There were a couple of gems in there but overall I think you would at least need a more discreet camera and a lot of practise/patience.

Street Photography pic
Tourist shot of the Opera House
The station